"A Song For You" is a groundbreaking vocal ensemble that brings together over 50 artists from around the world, led by the visionary collaboration of Noah Slee and Dhanesh Jayaselan. The collective defies categorization, moving in a sonic realm between Neo Soul, R&B, and Gospel. "A Song For You" celebrates the rich diversity of Berlin's music scene while providing a critical platform for underrepresented voices.
Over the past two years, the ensemble has garnered attention from the Berlin artist community, especially with their debut concert in 2022 at the Volksbühne with 800 seats, which sold out immediately despite the band being known only through word of mouth.
In collaboration with renowned Berlin producer S. Fidelity, the album features captivating collaborations with artists such as Theo Croker, Annahstasia, Moses Yoofee, Madison McFerrin, duendita, Brother Portrait, Jumoke Adeyanju, and many more; as well as a variety of artists existing within the group, such as Noah Slee, Aka Kelzz, Johnny Kulo, MERON, zoudè, Nando The Native, Monica Mussungo, D.$ahin, and Lyriya.
During the recording of "Home," ASFY aimed to define their presence through the concept of "space": Physically, their diverse backgrounds and voices intertwine, creating a cultural space where each individual adds a unique layer to the collective. Spiritually, their music provides a space where feelings and emotions can be freely explored and processed. Harmonically, their voices seamlessly blend, forming a musical space where differences merge into a beautiful unity.
"We take up space, we give space, and it’s all to celebrate the beauty of togetherness and connection. We are A Song for You."
A Song For You continues to make waves with their captivating performances, commitment to underrepresented voices, and dedication to pushing the boundaries of soulful live music while centering BIPOC narratives. "Home" represents unity, vulnerability, and collective joy. "Home" celebrates the beauty and moments where we feel love and find ourselves through ourselves. Home is where you are.
Event Start at: 08:00 p.m.
Doors open at: 07:00 p.m.